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Fire safety competition activity held on Nov. 7. 2023

On November 7, the company held a unique fire first aid skills competition. After theoretical training and operation demonstration, the staff conducted three competitions of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, fire extinguisher, and hidden danger investigation. At the event site, the competition activities were conducted in an orderly manner. The first project is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Participants were required to complete five sets of one-handed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), which were scored by professional volunteers and professional social workers. The popularization of cardiopulmonary resuscitation first aid will allow more people who have cardiac arrest to seize the "golden eight minutes" and improve the success rate of first aid. The use of fire extinguishers to extinguish the project not only needs to compete for the proficiency of the use of fire extinguishers but also need to compete speed, water, and fire mercilessly.

The fire safety competition activity is mainly to improve the safety awareness of employees, further enhance the awareness of fire safety, and improve fire and first aid skills through learning and competition.

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