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Group building activities of SUNTCN staff at Happy Valley Green

On September 2, 2023, SUNTCN staff came to the beautiful Jiangbei Green Happy Valley and launched a one-day team building activity.

Trees and flowers, as if into a natural oxygen bar, enjoy feeling the gift of nature. We can't wait to start a variety of outdoor expansion activities, high-altitude expansion, rope nets, clouds flying dragons are particularly fun and exciting.

Rope Nets is a project that tests both individual courage and teamwork. In the process of challenging the bridge, we overcame our fears and bravely took every step. When we joined hands and passed the bridge smoothly, we felt the great power of teamwork.

How can we hang out without a barbecue? It's time for lunch. We cook our own food, barbecue buffet, good smell in the air and delicious on the tongue. Everyone helps each other and shares. This not only allowed us to experience the joy of cooking but also allowed us to deepen our feelings for each other through working together.

An excellent team not only requires each member to have excellent personal ability but also requires mutual trust and close cooperation. This activity allowed us to improve team cohesion in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere and injected new vitality into our future work.

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